09 July, 2024


 I'm waiting for some more stuff to arrive in the post: more attic wallpaper because I've run out, some replacement perspex for my window kit because the kit panes had turned amber with age, and some flooring paper.

Meanwhile I've been painting, or staining and varnishing, various trim pieces.

I decorated my new attic dividing wall with wallpaper and trim, and installed it.  Once that was in place, I could also install the bathroom floor (trimmed to fit from an A3 sheet).  I've installed some wallpaper on half the tower, in the hopes that it will make life easier than trying to wallpaper the tower space once it is enclosed.  I don't like working with these 8.5"x11" sheets, the seams are too obvious. But the paper is really pretty.

I've laid floors of individual veneer planks in the study and hallway, and given them a couple of coats of satin artist's varnish (not as shiny as hardware store varnish). Since taking this photo, I've also installed the architrave around the rear door opening.

The two doors and the window kit I'm building are all too deep for the thin walls of the kit house, so I'm going to hopefully pack them out with trim pieces so that they sit equally straddling the opening.  They will protrude a bit but I don't think that is too unrealistic for a Victorian house.

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